How can I easily access resources and content licensed by Denison when I'm off campus?

There is a helpful browser extension called LibKey Nomad, which will link to you Denison-licensed content right from your browser. While you can still access all our resources through the Library website, this browser plug-in offers a way to access our online content without the extra step of searching our site.

How to Download:

How does LibKey Nomad Work?

  • LibKey Nomad matches the DOI's embedded in article metadata with the articles licensed by the Denison Library. The software shows you a LibKey icon when an article is available and links you directly to the full text.

Caveats: Since LibKey Nomad matches on article DOI's, it often cannot find articles that do not include a DOI.

If you have questions about access, feel free to search the Denison Library website directly, or contact a librarian for assistance.


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2022
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Debby Andreadis

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