How do I check out a book from Open Library?



Open Library has a number of e-books available for checkout. Unfortunately, most books remain unavailable in electronic form. For those books, Open Library has only a record. If a book is unavailable on Open Library, we recommend you request a copy via Interlibrary Loan.

To check if a book is available on Open Library:

1. Create an account at and then verify your email. 
2. Log in.
3. Type the book name or topic you wish to find. (Example: "Poetic Edda"). You may also search by Title, Author, Text, Subject, Lists, or open the advanced search options.


Open Library screenshot

4. After you search, filter search on right to "Ebooks"
5. Scroll to the one you wish to check out, if it is available; click on "Borrow."


Open Library screenshot


6. Once the viewer loads, you may use the icons in the bottom bar to scroll and preview the book. You may scroll forward, back, open single, two-page, or thumbnail view.


Open Library viewer screenshot

7. If you wish to check out the book, select "Borrow for 14 days" at the top of the page.
8. If you do not wish to check out the book, select "Return Now."
9. For a more in-depth tutorial on checking out books from Open Library, please reference the Open Library FAQ video tutorial:

  • Last Updated Mar 11, 2022
  • Views 5424
  • Answered By Kristen Pantle

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