How do I access The Athletic online?
The Athletic is a subscription-based sports news site from the New York Times. The Athletic and The New York Times are separate sites. All users will need to activate access and log in separately to these websites. Denison users with a current account can use the same New York Times login credentials for their The Athletic login.
Please Note: Subscriptions to the Athletic must be renewed on an annual basis. If you notice your access to this resource has ended, please visit the following link to renew your subscription:
Current New York Times Users
To activate your The Athletic access using your New York Times login, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to The Athletic Login Page
- Click "Already have an account? Log in"
- Click "Continue with The New York Times"
- Log in to your account
If you do not have or want an NYTimes account, you can sign up for The Athletic using the following steps:
- Navigate to The Athletic Login Page
- Create a new account
Once your account has been setup, you can login from any device at
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